The workshop was brilliant and the time was well spent, I got some new good ideas.


How to Find a Job in Norway? Part 3 – Job Interview

  If you do a good job applying, sooner or later you will be invited to a job interview. Remember that the main purpose of the interview is to help…

10 pieces of advice to achieve your goal

1. Think in writing. A goal that is not written down on paper does not exist. 2. The goal should answer the following questions: what, where, when and how? 3….

Egoist or Altruist?

All of us, for sure, have met people who can forget about themselves, about sleeping and eating, but for the sake of others will go through fire and water. These…

How to Find a Job in Norway? Part 2 – Applying

Part 2 – Looking and applying for vacancies After you have made a good CV, it is time to start looking for vacancies. Where do people in Norway usually find…

I do not feel appreciated…

We all learned early on that evil must be punished and good rewarded. If a child has done something good, it is being praised, and if it has been naughty…

How to Find a Job in Norway? Part 1 – CV

Are you going to start looking for a new job in the near future? Then it is high time to freshen up on all the steps of the process. You…