10 pieces of advice to achieve your goal

10 pieces of advice to achieve your goal

1. Think in writing. A goal that is not written down on paper does not exist. 2. The goal should answer the following questions: what, where, when and how? 3….

Do you want to know your results?

Do you want to know your results?

Finally it is time to analyze the results of the dating survey that I published in April. Thanks a lot to everyone who answered my questions. We have got very…

How to Get Rid of Pitifulness?

How to Get Rid of Pitifulness?

Where does compassion spring from? Many people believe that compassion is a positive feeling, and count their pitifulness to be a good quality. They cultivate their tendency to feel pity,…

Set and Achieve Your Personal Goals!

Set and Achieve Your Personal Goals!

As your coach I will provide you with the tools and techniques, necessary for identifying and achieving your personal goals. I will help you to…

Life and Career Coaching

Life and Career Coaching

Using known and recognized standards and methods, I work with the following issues within life and career coaching: Adaptation and integration of immigrants, mitigation of culture shock From my own…

Coaching Methods

Coaching Methods

I use different coaching methods within the Solution Focused coaching. These coaching methods are carefully selected, based upon each specific situation and your unique individuality. The most usual frequency of…