Coaching is one of the most popular and requested directions of psychological training and assistance. A coach helps people to move forward from their present situation. Coaching can help you to discover answers and new ways of living based on your values, preferences and unique perspective. I can help you to achieve success in life, feel more self-assured and eventually to be happier!
The essence of coaching is training and assistance in achieving personal or professional goals. If you haven’t identified your goal yet, a coach will help you to identify it considering your real needs and desires. When the final goal has been formulated, your coach will guide you in achieving it, supporting and directing you on your way.
You will probably look differently upon many things, you’ll realize your inner desires and aims and find solutions to many problems. For example, you are not content with your life, but you cannot put your finger on what it is that you really don’t like. Everything is seemingly allright, both at work and in the family, but you just don’t thrive! In this situation a coach can step in and help you to identify your feelings and to uncover the reason for your displeasure. You will get assistance to find out what you can do to eliminate the reason and to feel content and happy.
A coach will not rummage about your childhood, trying to uncover the sources of your present feelings. A coach looks into the future and aims at finding solutions that would work for you. I will not tell you what to do, but will create conditions for you to find out what and how to achieve your goals. In other words, I will assist you, but the choice will always be yours!