Here are some simple but important rules.
1. Take initiative. Men like women who show interest in them. But do not overdo it. Don’t ask a man out directly, it’s better just to let him know you like him.
2. Be his advocate. A man needs a woman who is always at his side, at least in public.
3. Please his ego. Men like compliments as much as women!
4. Show the best of yourself. Be in a good mood, and don’t go whining about your problems, deceases or financial fears. Too much negativity may lead to a break.
5. Be clear about what kind of relationship you would like to build. Discuss your model of the family with your partner. The best would be if how you see the ideal relationship doesn’t differ much.
7. Start talking about marriage, don’t wait until he takes the initiative. If a man is not ready to even talk about it, tell him “goodbye”.
8. Be natural. Wearing masks does not work in a long run. You deserve to be with a man who dreamed about meeting a woman like you.