I use different coaching methods within the Solution Focused coaching. These coaching methods are carefully selected, based upon each specific situation and your unique individuality. The most usual frequency of coaching sessions is once a week or once every fortnight, in person or via Skype. Through a thoroughly thought-out and carefully selected system of questions your coach will clarify the situation, identify the direction of your cooperation and only then you will start moving toward your chosen aim. This cooperation takes place in a dynamic atmosphere of co-creation: “magical” questions from the coaches side and the courage to make choices and follow up decisions from your side.
In my work I use recognized coaching methods, vastly used all around the world:
- SFT – a method of building a dialogue and asking questions that help you to find solutions
- NLP – a method of tuning your conscience and subconscience to find a way out
- SCORE – a method of information processing and finding solutions
- GROW – a method for the collection and processing of information that takes into account all details of your current situation